What foreigners need to know about buying property in South Africa

What foreigners need to know about buying property in South Africa

Investment in property can be as daunting as it is exciting, especially if you’re taking the plunge for the first time. Favourable exchange rates make buying property in South Africa very appealing for foreigners, also referred to as non-residents, so it’s important to know what is possible within the legal framework of the country. Foreigners can invest in property in this country, within limits. Non-residents’ investments are not subject to South African tax. If foreigners investing in property in South Africa later sell that property and wish to transfer funds out of the country, the local tax laws of that country will apply.

Click here for the answers to 10 of the most frequently asked questions by foreigners buying property in South Africa.

Stay Safe Everyone!

Best to all, Margie, Clare, Fiona, Terry, Arlene, Alison & Jane